Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Day 4: Genesis 6-9

This is Day 4 in my Daily Walk Journey. I'm following along with Your Daily Walk, by Bruce H. Wilkinson. Today's reading was about Noah and the Flood.

Genesis 6: "Building the Ark" (Preparation for Judgment)
Genesis 7: "In the Ark" (Deluge of Judgment)
Genesis 8: "Leaving the Ark" (Aftermath of Judgment)
Genesis 9: "Leaving the Ark" (Promise of Unrepeated Judgment)

The heart of today's passage lies in Genesis 6.

Thanks to for this photo

Because humanity has rebelled and turned against God, He plans to erase the existence of man from the earth. Noah is a righteous man who walks with God. Through grace, God decides to save Noah and his family and the animals by ordering him to build an ark for their safety.

Daily Walk:
Noah's Faith-Inspired Steps:
1. Noah built the ark according to God's directions.
2. He brought two of every animal onto the ark, male and female.
3. He brought food for his family and the animals on the ark.
4. He entered the ark with his wife, sons, and sons' wives.
5. After an entire year of being on the ark, God commanded Noah to leave the ark, and he obeyed.
6. Noah built an ark to the Lord, and he offered sacrifices to worship God for sparing him and his family.

What are my Faith-Inspired Steps?
This is a difficult question for me to answer right now. I quit my job as a nurse almost two years ago to get married and follow Nick to Chicago, and then to San Francisco for his job. I was so unhappy at my nursing job that I thought I needed to change careers.

I prayed about it, but didn't feel any direction. I took it as a sign when everything fell into place for me to study graphic design at a community college near Chicago. I did well in my classes, but quickly discovered that it was not my real passion and I didn't have a strong talent in the arts. Halfway through the semester, we learned that we would need to move to San Francisco for Nick's job.

We've been here for several months now, and I've continued to think and pray about what I should do, but I still feel very lost. I decided to get my California nursing license just in case I see a job that I want to apply for, but it doesn't seem right to me yet either.

I'm really hoping that God will speak to me and show me what His plans for me are. I want to find something that I love and that I'm passionate about. God has always provided for me. He's given me a wonderful husband who I love very much. He's given him a wonderful job that provides for us financially. I know he can help guide me as well, and I have faith that He will.

Disclaimer: These are just my thoughts and insights from my own time studying the Bible. I am not trying to teach, instruct, or push my thoughts on others. Please feel free to share your own thoughts and opinions.

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